Fulcrum Sharq: Designed to increase the experience of driving on mixed routes, from asphalt to dirt roads, Sharq is the result of careful research, advanced engineering and great work in the design and testing phase, all this to ensure the best possible performance.
Fulcrum Sharq 47/42 DB 2-Way Fit: Fulcrum Sharq 47/42: designed to increase the experience of driving on mixed routes, from asphalt to dirt roads, Sharq is the result of careful research, advanced engineering and great work in the design and testing phase, all this to ensure the best possible performance.
The new Sharq is characterized by a 25 mm internal channel, a valid compromise both for road wheels of minimum 30 mm, ensuring aerodynamics and improving rolling resistance, and for larger tires and tessellated, offering a valid support to the structure of the tire in use off-road.
To make it compatible with tubeless and inner tube systems, the rim is equipped with a mini-hook, which ensures maximum safety.
As per Fulcrum practice, the bridge is not perforated and, therefore, tubeless native, without the need for additional tape.